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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mfisher Posted - 09/09/2006 : 18:45:22
Hey all,

Here's the new forum that I've been working on. I am still making changes and adding features, but its coming a long. Let me know what you all think.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Loie Posted - 09/22/2006 : 01:07:02
Matt,You are doing an amazing job of putting this website together.I think its a great way for us all to keep in touch even easier than emails. I did talk to Peg yesterday and she said their computer is very slow and she doesn't know how to use the internet.I'm sure there are others over there who can teach her.
I will try to be a cheerleader for getting the rest of the gang to participate. Thanks for all of the pics you have added. I have done some scanning and know how much time it takes!!!

Mike and Tara, Has Julianne had her speech evaluation yet? Just wondered how it went.
Christina, How is your art work going? I have a place reserved for one of your pictures!!! LOIE
mfisher Posted - 09/10/2006 : 03:58:06

I've added email functionality as well as the ability to add files to your post. For email click on "Memebers" at the top of the page and then choose who you want to email. To add a file to a post just click the paperclip at the bottome of the text window and you will be able to browse to the file you want to upload. Let me know if you have any questions.


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