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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Loie Posted - 09/18/2006 : 22:30:41
Just thot I'd say Hi to everyone. Larry and I took "Minnie C" out for the weekend and found a great campground at Lost Creek Reservouir on the North Rogue River. We did lots of hiking and bike riding. The Rogue River starts in Crater Lake and goes through Grants Pass if you want to check it on a map. Hope you all had a great weekend. Congratulations to Sarah and Christoph. Love to all, Loie
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Matt Fisher Posted - 09/20/2006 : 04:04:11
Hey Loie,

Thanks for signing up on the forum. I'm hoping it will catch on and more of the gang will register and start posting. It sounds like you had a really nice weekend. My Dad and I just started winterizing the house this weekend. Nothing too exciting. If you took a look at the photo albums we have a ton more pictures. I received quite a few from various family members and also scanned a lot. I had the chance to sell my camera last week that I had in Tahoe and upgrade to a little better one. I havnt had a chance to play with it yet, but I'm hoping to get some new photo's with it to add to the site. I'll keep you posted.


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